Fertilizer certification class set


NEW BREMEN — OSU Extension is offering a class to certify farmers for fertilizer application is planned for Jan. 26 at the Speedway Lanes, 455 North Herman Street, New Bremen. In Ohio, any farmer applying fertilizer (other than manure) to more than 50 acres of agricultural land must have their Fertilizer Certification. If you have the co-op, or other custom applicators, make your fertilizer applications, you do not need the certification. The Jan. 26 begins at 12:30 p.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There is a $30 registration fee for either class which covers books for those enrolled.

For the Agricultural Fertilizer Certification, farmers can attend an entire three-hour training or there is an exam option offered through the Ohio Department of Agriculture. The training covers proper applications and record keeping, understanding Ohio water quality issues, nutrient management for crops and other topics related to fertilizer use on agricultural land. Once certified, farmers will need to attend a recertification meeting once every three years to maintain their certification and renew their certification with the Ohio Department of Agriculture like the requirements for a Private Pesticide License.

The Jan. 26 class is one of many held around the state of Ohio. While lunch is not being provided, attendees are welcome to purchase lunch onsite at Speedway Lanes prior to the start of the class. Those planning to participate in the class need to call the Mercer County Extension office at 419-586-2179 by Jan. 12 to register.

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