Greenville BOE declares Staff Member Appreciation Week; approves renewal levy, property line adjustments


By Dawn Hatfield

GREENVILLE — The Greenville City School District Board of Education met in the Anna Bier Civic Room of St. Clair Memorial Hall Thursday, April 20. Of particular interest were a renewal levy, Bus Barn property line adjustments, and Staff Member Appreciation Week.

Doug Fries, Jenna Jurosic, Mark Libert, Brad Gettinger, Jim Sommer, Kristi Strawser, Krista Stump, and Jim Hooper were present.

There was no public participation.

Following roll call, the Pledge of Allegiance, adoption of agenda, and approval of minutes, Superintendent Doug Fries shared the Superintendent’s Report.

Fries announced the following Career Tech students were recognized at 20 Under 20 Award winners: Alexis Arnett (Medical Tech Prep) and Nathan Hittle (Auto Technology). The district also highlighted GHS Intervention Specialist Elizabeth (Libby) Langston as Greenville Teacher of the Year. Lauren Wright was highlighted for earning first place in Family Medicine testing at the HOSA State competitions. Wright has qualified for nationals in Dallas, Texas, with her win. GCS art teachers, Erin Eberwein, and all GCS staff were congratulated on an outstanding Waves of Pride held on March 30.

Commendations were extended to GHS Theatre for an entertaining production of “Robin Hood” the weekend of March 31 to April 2, and commendations were extended to the following Careers with Children and Teaching Professions students for receiving gold medals at FCCLA regionals: Abigail Barton, Aubrey Bath, Alexis Bertsch, Breanna Deal, Avery Ernst, Kate Garber, Emily Gibson, Kaelyn Gump, Emma Howard, Josie Madden, Jack Royer, Cody Sagraves, Isabelle Sommer, Kailyn Stahl, and Casey Willis.

Treasurer’s business included recommended approval of Beanz Buttercream Bakery payment, as well as the remaining schedule of bills for month of March 2023 be approved as presented to BOE for its prior review; the recognition of bill payment under the then and now certification; the treasurer file with Darke County Auditory permanent appropriations for FY2023 as presented on agenda; authorization of transfers and advances to create a positive balance in a particular fund; approval for FFA to award gift cards to top-selling students; and approval of petty cash amounts for Washington, D.C., Conner Prairie, and Chillicothe field trips. All recommendations were unanimously approved.

Additionally, Treasurer’s business included recommending approval of a resolution “determining to proceed to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation” whereas the board has deemed said levy renewal necessary “for the purpose of permanent improvements at a rate not exceeding two mills for each one dollar ($1.00) of valuation for a period of five (5) years” with the “question of the adoption of said renewal tax [to be] submitted to the electors of the entire territory of the School District at the election to be held on November 7, 2023…” This motion was passed unanimously, five to zero.

Superintendent’s business included unanimous approval of first and second readings of board policies as well as policy approval of those policies concerning audits, purchasing, credit cards, payment and payroll procedures, salary deductions, and expense reimbursements.

Donations were unanimously accepted with appreciation from community businesses and clubs to support the GMS Washington, D.C. field trip and GHS FFA.

Unanimous approval was given for the designation of May 8 to 12, 2023, as Staff Member Appreciation Week in the community.

Requests included the approval of the resolution between the City of Greenville (City) and Greenville City Schools Board of Education (School) who have adjoining properties at 511 Markwith Ave. and 350 S. Ohio St. in Greenville, Ohio and “whereas, the adjoining property lines currently are not straight and do not allow for either the City or School to maximize the use of their properties; and whereas, the City has had the property surveyed so that ta new straight property line can be established… while allowing the City and the School to maintain essentially the same acreage; and whereas, the City will ensure that the new property received by the school will be paved and bus spots will be marked; and whereas, the City will ensure a fence is erected on the new property line… be it resolved… that the part of the real estate owned by the Board of Education at 511 Markwith Avenue… be swapped with the real estate owned by the City of Greenville… The City of Greenville will be responsible for all costs associated with the land swap.” Motion was approved unanimously by all board members.

Furthermore, a resolution authorizing Michael A. Rieman to enter into the Settlement Agreement in which “the Greenville City Schools was made a party to the lawsuit Jennifer A. Voisinet v. Stephanie McCloud, Administrator, et al. Darke County Case No. 22CV00196; and whereas, the Greenville City Schools disputes any liability; and whereas, the Greenville City Schools want to compromise and settle this dispute in order to minimize all costs to Greenville City Schools” was unanimously approved.

Recommendations of job description for Engineering Instructor; NJROTC participation in Area 3 Indoor Drone Program; contracts with Dell Desktop (using Federal Grant funds), Midwest Maintenance, Inc. for facade repair at Memorial Hall, and EMS LINQ, Inc. and GCS Food Service Dept. for a three-year agreement; purchase of iPad Pros, Magic Keyboards, and Apple Pencils for K-8 Intervention Specialists (using ARP IDEA allotment federal funds); six-month contract with D&L Services for security system monitoring and purchase of software and hardware to upgrade entrance fobs and contract with Waibel Energy Systems for security cameras at K-8 building (both with state Security Grant funding); contract with Wilson Occupational Health to provide T-8 physical for bus/van drivers; and amendment to a Stadium Scoreboard Agreement with Greenville Federal as dated August 15, 2013, under separate cover were all approved unanimously.

Field trips to FCCLA State Competition in Columbus, Ohio, and Conner Prairie in Fisher, Ind., and related requests were approved.

Regarding curriculum, the Director recommended a change in times for Summer School Health/Physical Education from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. to 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.; purchase of English Language Arts books/material for grade five for a six-year adoption and grades one through four through General funds. Unanimous approval was granted.

The superintendent recommended approval of resignations, unpaid leaves, and new employment contracts and/or amendments for certified and classified staff with unanimous approval.

Unanimous approval of the pay scale for Food Service employees, effective June 5, 2023; the salary schedule for AESOP Coordinator, Attendance Officer, Superintendent’s Executive Secretary, and Athletic Services staff to be adjusted to incorporate a 2.0% increase for 2023-2024 year; and pay rates of paraprofessional, secretary, part-time food service, full-time food service, custodian, bus driver, and teacher, effective July 1, 2023, was granted.

Recommendation of summer school instructors as well as approval of supplemental contracts for staff members performing RTI duties in grades five to 12 was unanimously approved.

Furthermore, unanimous approval of salary increases, tuition reimbursements, and supplemental contracts for Assistant Varsity Boys Tennis Coach, Ninth Grade Volleyball Coach, Wrestling Coach, Varsity Bowling Coach, Varsity Boys Basketball Coach and Varsity Girls Basketball Coach was granted.

Professional meeting attendance and reimbursement expenses were recommended and approved unanimously.

Libert reported Greenville Schools Foundation is currently determining scholarship winners and should have the names of recipients by next meeting.

Gettinger had no new activity to report regarding Career Technology Stakeholders as meeting was moved to May 2.

Strawser reported Business Advisory Council had no meeting since previous update.

Stump reported DCCA meetings are quarterly and no meeting held since last update.

Sommer updated the board on legislative matters including an update on his attendance at the State Legislative Conference where Governor DeWine and others in high levels of state government were present. Sommer regarded Senator Ingram as a “strong, vocal advocate for public education.”

Board members then adjourned the monthly meeting.

The Greenville City Schools Board of Education meetings are typically held the third Thursday of each month beginning at 6:30 p.m. in St. Clair Memorial Hall, 215 W. Fourth Street, Greenville, Ohio. Full meeting minutes are regularly posted on the Board of Education site:

Reach Daily Advocate Reporter Dawn Hatfield at [email protected] or 937-569-0066.

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