Franklin Monroe youth volleyball camp


The Franklin Monroe volleyball program hosted a youth camp for girls grades 2 – 5 from June 12 – 14 at the high school gym. Coaches and high school players taught the young campers different skills and the basics of volleyball.

Head coach Angie Filbrun said they have 31 campers this year and it’s nice to see that many kids in the gym learning the game and having fun. She also said it was fun to see the high school volleyball players help out and be a part of the camp.

“We have 31 little campers this year. We’re excited to have that many kids in the gym. Just watching them get their hands on a volleyball and having some fun with the game,” Filbrun said.

“Just to watch them (high school players) interact, teach and learn the game along with the other kids is rewarding for me and for them as well,” Filbrun said.

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