Busy Beavers April meeting


On the date of April 14, at 6 p.m., the Versailles Busy Beavers 4-H club gathered for their monthly meeting. Prior to the meeting, club members participated in a game of Heads Up, 7UP put on by Lydia and Audrey Ward, current recreational officers.

The 53 members present at the meeting were given a talk on the upcoming Trash Bash fundraiser, where advisor Marlene Dirksen and a Darker County Solid Waste representative told members which pieces of trash were recyclable and which were not. Members discussed their potential involvement in the upcoming Memorial Day parade, as well as Poultry Days weekend events and themes. Following the meeting, club members were treated to snacks and drinks courtesy of club parents. The club will meet again on the 5th of May, and later again on the 9th of June before Poultry Days weekend.

Submitted by Ben Brewer, Club News Reporter

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