VVC welcomes councilman Dan Weaver


By Meladi Brewer


VERSAILLES — Versailles Village Council welcomes in new councilman, Dan Weaver.

Weaver underwent an application and interview process to be appointed as a new councilman to fill the shoes previously held by Ralph Gigandet. At the Wednesday meeting, Weaver took the oath of office where he pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of Ohio, support the charter and ordinances of the city, and that he will faithfully, honestly, and impartially discharge the duties of his office.

“Thank you everybody for giving me this opportunity, and on behalf of the village I’d like to say how much this means to me,” Weaver said. “I wont let you down. I will be obligated and dedicated to do good.”

Continuing on with the meeting, Village Administrator Kyle Francis gave an update about change orders for projects that will end up saving the village thousands of dollars in total costs. The first change order is to decrease the contract with Shinn Bros. by $1.292.93 in connection with the Ward Park Swimming Pool Filtration System Replacement Project.

“This is a decrease change order. We had an allowance with the project and it wasn’t all utilized, so we are amending that contract total for a deduct which is always a good thing on a public project,” Francis said.

The final grant reimbursement submission will be sent to the ODNR soon, as the change order that results in the above deduct was approved by the Village Council. Once the Ohio DNR receives all the paperwork including the deduct, the village will receive bacj around $167,000 that was granted for the project.

“We need to get all of this done this month because the state’s fiscal year closes at the end of June,” Francis said.

The council also approved a change order with a decrease of $40,010.70 in the contract with Shinn Bros. in connection with the Reed Road Well Field Transmission Line Phase II Project.

“Once again we had a project allowance in that contract, and everything has been settled out with the contractor,” Francis said. “Any additional work items and quantities have all been zeroed out.”

Francis said this resulted in a deduct of approximately $40,010.70 on the project. With the project being 100 percent a loan coverage, the deduct is “welcomed good news”, and the village administrator will be working on the closeout of the project. A decrease in the contract with Brumbaugh Construction, Inc. in connection with the Reed Road Well Field Transmission Line Phase I Project was also approved.

“Once again all work is complete, restoration is complete, and this is just the final adjustment on quantities and the allowance on the project,” Francis said.

Francis said everything is good to go on the project, and they will submit paperwork to the state soon to start finalizing all payments. The total project deduct for the Phase I Project is $31,230.

The council was not in favor of all proposed revenue resources within village limits, however, as they voted against any dispensaries coming into town with the newly passed Issue Two. Many of the towns around the county have been tasked with the choice to allow dispensaries into corporation limits or now since the use of marijuana had been voted legal in the state of Ohio back in March.

The council voted to prohibit adult use recreational marijuana dispensaries, cultivators, and processors within the Village of Versailles. It was read for the first time at Wednesday meeting, and will be read for the final times and passed at their next meeting on Wednesday, June 26.

The Versailles Village Council holds their regular meetings on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Meetings are open to the public and are held in the EMS building on Baker road starting at 7 p.m.

To contact Daily Advocate Reporter Meladi Brewer, email [email protected].

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