NMPL adds book on Diefenbaugh family


NEW MADISON — The Diefenbaugh Family Book has been added to the geneaology shelves of the New Madison Public Library by the NMPL Genealogist Volunteer Marilyn J. Lease-Fritz.

The collections were submitted from an elderly Diefenbaugh couple who personally brought in their selections to be arranged within a booklet and kept with the Genealogy Department of the NMPL.

Brenda Miller, supervisor, along with her staff, agreed to have Lease-Fritz compile the arrangement of their treasures of pictures and family articles into a large notebook for all of the local community to enjoy and observe within the beautiful board room, along with other pioneer family books, etc.

Lease-Fritz was curator of the Historical Heritage Hall the K of P Hall in New Madison and learned about the many noble families that were part of the making of New Madison and have talked with many of their descendants throughout these past years, such as Doctor John Fritz who had his practice in New Madison during the mid-1800s.

Lease-Fritz also compiled a small booklet from patron Jackie Lawerence on her mother, Rosella Horine, a 1943 New Madison School graduate and valedictorian, who later became one of the first woman architects in Ohio.

Her booklet contains numerous articles of her achievements and pictures including her obituary. The Madisonette High School Yearbook wasn’t printed during the war year and her booklet of collections will also be placed upon the family shelves.

Lease-Fritz explained it took a while to complete these booklets because she has another published book of her own that will be released very soon on the recognition of the many book events she has compiled.

She added the Diefenbaugh Family Book is very worthy of looking over, and she knows the NMPL is proud of it, also.

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