Poultry Days 5k Walk/Run has over 400 participants


VERSAILLES —The Poultry Days 5k Walk/Run and the one mile fun run took place on June 15 at Versailles High School.

The day started out with the young up and coming runners taking on the one mile course. They got the chance to run around the school to kick things off.

Then it was time for the main event. Runners of all ages lined up to run or walk the 5k course. Everyone ran around the school and down Marker Road. They then circled around and came back down Marker road and around the school to finish the race.

Over 400 people participated in the event. They had kids from the age of six to people at the age of 82 competing in the event.

Some of the Versailles high school teams joined in on the race. The Versailles boys and girls cross country teams joined in as teams as did the Versailles volleyball team.

Jackson Spitzer took the overall first place spot in the male division with a time of 16:41.6. Mia Robillard took first overall in the female division with a time of 19:23.4.

The rest of the results can be found here or through the Poultry Days website under the events tab and scroll down to the 5k tab.

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