Franklin Monroe volleyball hosts Junior Jet Volleyball Camp


ARCANUM — The Franklin Monroe High School volleyball program hosted their Junior Jet Volleyball Camp from June 17-19 at the high school gym. The camp taught kids grades second through fifth the basics of the game.

Franklin Monroe volleyball head coach Angie Filbrun said this camp is a chance to introduce the game of volleyball to the young girls. It’s also an opportunity for some school friends to see each other and make new friendships.

“It’s a good opportunity to get the girls in the gym at a young age to learn the love of volleyball. This week, we practice skills and get them excited to play, hopefully, junior high,” Filbrun said.

“Yesterday, a lot of the girls walked in and they were like, ‘Oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you in a few weeks.’ It helps build community and create friendships,” assistant coach Chloe McGlinch said.

Kids had the chance to go through some drills and play some games during the three day camp. They got to go through drills together in groups or were led by the high school players.

The players got their chance to coach the kids and join in on the fun with the kids. Filbrun said it’s great to see her players in a different role helping the young girls during the camp.

“It’s fun to see them in the coaching aspect and see what they’ve done. See them be leaders and mentors,” Filbrun said.

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