Special military exhibit at AWTHS


ARCANUM – AWTHS is extending its Saturday open hours for a special exhibit on June 29 and July 6 from 9 a.m. to noon at 123 West George St., Arcanum. This is in addition to their regular military room.

They plan to share about two buildings that made war materials in Arcanum along with some military uniforms and Purple Heart information.

Some of the exhibits include the Bruner family of Arcanum.

Other exhibits are Brenda Arnett’s ancestors from War of 1812, Annette Stewart’s ancestor, Jacob Michael who was also War of 1812.

They have plenty of research notes on Revolutionary War patriot Willam Ashley. From the Civil War, George Sprecher, Henry Cromwell (Sharon Karns family), William Rosser diary (Marilyn Rosser Strickler family) Brigadier General Edward Sigerfoos WWI, Sargent Kevin Mallonee, and Charles Larsh collection on loan from Brenna Moler. Douglas LaFever is also featured from Vietnam as he was killed in action.

The Arcanum Times will be available for viewing.

They are looking for military acquisitions and photos or copies for donation as well or items on loan for displays for later dates.

Please contact Annette Stewart or message AWTHS if interested in donating. Email is [email protected].

This display will only be up for a few weeks in the summer, so plan to visit. The farmers market is held on Saturday mornings, next door, as well.

See our event listing for full details.


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