Numbers grow at Arcanum boys basketball youth camp


ARCANUM — The Arcanum High School boys basketball program hosted their youth camp from June 24-27 at the high school gym. The camp was broken into two sessions with kids grades sixth through eighth in one session and kids grades first through fifth in the second session.

Arcanum boys basketball head coach Kevin Brackman said they did see a slight increase in their attendance this year. It’s an encouraging sign for the program to see many of the kids come back for another year.

“Really excited to get the camp back up and rolling. Our numbers have grown since last year. We’re sitting at just over 120 kids. Last year we were running 114 kids. It’s a little growth, but for the kids to want to come back and learn and continue to grow their game is exciting,” Brackman said.

The Arcanum coaching staff set up the different drills and games for the campers. The kids had the chance to work on their skills while also competing with each other.

The high school players helped out the campers during each drill and game. Senior Landon Flatter said it’s different being in more of a coaching role, but is having fun teaching the kids some basketball skills. Flatter remembers being in these camps when he was younger and enjoys being the one teaching them.

“Just teaching the kids some things and showing them what you know. As a player, you don’t get many chances to coach. But here, you get to be in a coaching role,” Flatter said.

Both the campers and the high school players do learn some leadership skills along the way. Flatter said he hopes the kids take away some of the leadership lessons the coaching staff teaches during the camp.

Brackman said it’s one of the more enriching things as a staff to see his players in a leadership role and watch them grow those skills. He thinks they are enjoying being in these different roles.

“I think they’re enjoying it just as much as we are. I don’t think they realize the impact that they have on these kids. Just putting them in situations to grow and enjoy themselves,” Brackman said.

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