Spine Health Expo: Humans and Pets Edition


GREENVILLE — Johnston Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. recognizes Dr. Jessica Clark in recently earning her International Veterinary Chiropractic Association (IVCA) Certificate having completed 210 hours of continuing education allowing her the privilege of treating large and small animals. To celebrate her accomplishment, Johnston Chiropractic Clinic is hosting a Spine Health Expo: Humans and Pets Edition. This is a unique event dedicated to promoting the importance of spinal health for both humans and their beloved pets. The expo will take place on Saturday, July 13 at Johnston Chiropractic Clinic, 109 Rhoades Ave., Greenville from 9 a.m.-noon. There will be venders for both humans and animals on the premises. Please come and support local venders and their products.

This one-of-a-kind event is bringing together experts in chiropractic care and holistic health to educate attendees on the benefits of chiropractic treatment for both people and animals. Just as chiropractic care can improve your mobility, alleviate your pain and improve your function and quality of life, attending this event will enable you to see and understand the benefits of chiropractic care for your pets, both large and small. Chiropractic treatments can alleviate pain, improve mobility and enhance the animal’s performance as well. You can learn how to spot signs of spinal issues in your pets and how chiropractic can help them. We at Johnston Chiropractic Clinic are here for you and your animals! Dr. Kristene Clark utilizes chiropractic, acupuncture and rehabilitation to improve the health and mobility of her patients and Dr. Jessica uses chiropractic for her human and animal patients. You are in good hands with the doctors at Johnston Chiropractic Clinic! If you have questions regarding this event or to schedule an appointment for yourself or your animal, please call 937-548-3610.

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