MV BoE gives updates from meeting


UNION CITY — The Mississinawa Valley Local Board of Education met for its regular meeting on Monday, July 8, in the Board Office Conference Room.

Highlights from the meeting:

The board was updated on the School Report Cards. The district could possibly be a 4-Star District. Final results will be in September.

The Board approved participation in alternative education programs through the Council on Rural Services Agency for the 2024-2025 School Year.

The BASA membership fees for the 2024-2025 School Year were approved by the Board.

The 2024-2025 cafeteria lunch fees were approved as follows by the Board: Grades PK-6 student lunches – $2.60, Grades 7-12 student lunches – $2.75, Adult lunches – $3.25, breakfast – $1.60 and drinks – $0.50. The prices are the same as the 2023-2024 school year cafeteria fees.

The board approved that the school district is following the Ohio guidelines/requirements of ORC 3313.814 for nutrition standards governing the food and beverages available for sale on the premises of its school for the 2024-2025 school year.

The 2024-2025 Policies and Procedures for the Operation of a Preschool Program as presented to the Board were approved. The Board approved the Mississinawa Valley Early Childhood Education Program 2024-2025 Parent Handbook as presented. Mississinawa Valley Early Childhood Education Program 2024-2025 Calendar was also approved as presented.

The coaching salary schedules and position levels were approved by the board. The schedules and levels begin July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027.

The Board approved, with regret, the resignation of Sara Mayo effective July 31.

The board heard an update regarding painting the school roof.

A quote for video boards for the gym and football concession were reviewed. The board’s price is $23,485 with half paid by the board and half paid by the Boosters.

Sheila Scholl spoke to the board. At the class reunion in June that she attended they got a tour of the Union City Schools and was amazed at the Vision Center for Union City which is all kid related. She asked if they could have a collaboration with UCCHS with the Vision Center. She feels it would be great to work with Union City.

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