Light Foundation hosts sixth annual Timber Frame Leadership Camp


By Drew Terhall

GREENVILLE — The Light Foundation, co-founded by three-time Super Bowl champion Matt Light, hosted their sixth annual Timber Frame Leadership Camp on July 14-17 at Chenoweth Trails. The three-day overnight camp had nineteen students learn the craft of timber frame construction.

Light said they had a good mix of boys and girls and a good mix of experience. He also said everyone has been putting in a lot of effort into their work during the camp.

“Some of these young timber framers are teaching the other ones kind of what to do. They’re taking a leadership role and leading by example,” Light said. “We have some of the young ladies here that are absolutely some of the best timber framers we’ve had in this camp in a long time.”

This year, the main project the group completed was building a set of bleachers for the Foundation’s sports court. Light said the bleachers are 25 feet by nine feet and were built using reclaimed timber from barns around the county.

In the past, campers have built many different structures like an elevated tree house and a bell tower that can be seen at Chenoweth Trails.

Light said not only do these projects help the community, but also lets the campers visually see all of their hard work pay off.

“I’m not sure that the master timber framers from the mid 1800s ever envisioned their work being turned into bleachers. But, this section of bleachers that these kids have put together will seat about 50 people. Spectators will be able to sit out there by our courts. It’s going to be functional, it’s going to be used by a lot of people from here to the end of time. It’s going to have a roof system over it,” Light said. “Not only is this something that will help out all the different groups that come to Chenoweth Trails, this is something that when they walk away from here they can say I did that.”

Local businesses also chip in to help with the camp. They donate food, supplies or donate their time and volunteer at the camp.

Light said it’s the people helping out that make everything possible. Instructors from JCM Timber Works, Moose & Co, Kustom Woodworking, Bear’s Mill, Ansonia Lumber and Barn & Cabin Friend all assisted with the camp.

The camp wouldn’t be what it is without them.

“All of these people that walk alongside of us, they empower us to do the work that we do. These kids are the recipients. These kids are going to go home with $200 worth of power tools,” Light said. “It’s not about the stuff you get, it’s the people that pour into these young timber framers.”

Like everything the Light Foundation does, the camp is also a chance to teach real life lessons. This time around, the campers learned these lessons through timber framing.

Light said the campers got to learn about the different qualities that will help them become leaders in a time where more leaders needed. In everything the foundation does, they try to figure out how to do it better together.

They also had the chance to talk about different leadership qualities. Light said one night, they talked about passions and that being one of many qualities of a leader.

“This isn’t just timber framing. I could care less if a kid becomes a timber framer. Last night, we had a fireside chat. We talked about what passion we bring and why passion is so important. Passion helps create your purpose. If you’re purposeful in what you do and you’re passionate about it, you will do the things that are required to be able to step back and look at something and say, ‘I take pride in that.’ You’re going to do it with integrity because you are going to do it with other people that will help hold you accountable,” Light said.

Contact Daily Advocate sports editor Drew Terhall at [email protected].

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