Versailles girls basketball players lead youth camp


VERSAILLES — The Versailles high school girls basketball program hosted their youth camp from July 15-17. Versailles girls basketball head coach Tracy White said they had 87 girls between the two sessions.

It was a three long days of camp, but it was also an enjoyable three days.

“It’s long days, but the girls have really enjoyed it and our high school girls love interacting with the young kids. That’s important,” White said. “Them being able to see our high school girls and being able to interact with them in the coaching realm of things.”

The players were able to coach the little kids through different drills, games and competitions. White gave the players the plan for each day and the players took over from there.

White said it was a learning experience for the players to be in the coaching role.

“Our players also see when they’re coaching five on five or three on three they make comments like, ‘Oh yeah, I see what you were saying about this,’” White said.

It was a week for the girls basketball program to interact with the community and grow the program.

“I think it’s really good for our community. It’s good for our program. It’s a fun week. It’s a long week, but it’s a fun week,” White said.

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