Economic Development hosts STEAM Camp


GREENVILLE — Junior high students entering seventh and eighth grades in Darke County recently had the unique opportunity to explore the exciting world of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) through an interactive day camp. Coordinated by Darke County Economic Development, the camp, now in its fifth year, has seen significant growth and interest from the local community.

Originally launched as Manufacturing Camp in 2019 with just eight campers, the program has rebranded and expanded to accommodate 28 students this year. The camp’s continued success is a testament to the increasing interest in STEAM careers among young students and the dedication of the local organizations supporting this initiative.

The camp’s STEAM partners included Brethren Retirement Community, Edison State Community College, JAFE Decorating, Midmark Corporation, Wayne HealthCare, and Whirlpool Corporation. Each organization played a pivotal role by hosting a day at the camp, providing interactive challenges and learning activities in the morning, followed by afternoon site visits to their facilities. These sessions allowed students to gain hands-on experience and insight into the various STEAM careers available locally. The hosting organizations also generously provided lunch for the campers.

A key component of the camp was an interest survey completed by the students, designed to help them identify potential career paths that align with their interests. This personalized approach enabled campers to explore how their individual strengths and passions could translate into real-world careers within the local community.

Camp counselors from Greenville High School and Ansonia High School helped guide the students throughout the week, helping them develop essential skills in communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. The week concluded with a Friday afternoon closing program, where campers were recognized for their participation and shared their experiences and learnings.

Special thanks go to Greenville City Schools and Superintendent Doug Fries for the use of the Advanced Manufacturing Lab and for providing transportation for the tours. Additional gratitude is extended to Mary Lee Moore, Career Tech Secretary, and camp counselors Callee Moore and Sophia Aultman for their invaluable support.

The camp was made possible by the generous funding from the Ohio College Tech Prep – West Region and scholarships provided by the Darke County Foundation.

The success of this year’s camp highlights the importance of community collaboration in fostering the next generation of STEAM professionals. Thanks to the commitment of local organizations like Brethren Retirement Community, Edison State Community College, JAFE Decorating, Midmark Corporation, Wayne HealthCare, and Whirlpool Corporation, Darke County’s junior high students are well on their way to bright futures in STEAM careers.

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