Blue Angels hold June meeting


The Blue Angels 4-H club had a meeting at Faith Baptist Church on June 5 from 6-8 p.m. The meeting involved topics of 4-H camp, discussing dates and times for project presentation day, voting on Adopt a Tree and Fish With a Hero, and also a presentation about mower safety from Flory’s Landscaping.

The meeting started at 6:10 which was followed by the pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H pledge. The Club enjoyed listening to a Health report, which informed the club about keeping pets safe in hot weather. A speech about different weather patterns that happen over the summer. Both speeches were given by the clubs president Katelyn Yoder. Three of the members went to 4-H camp this year and shared with the club how much they enjoyed it and about their experience. Evan Addis told the club about attending leadership camp and how much he recommends any 4-H member that is interested in going to put in an application for 2025.

The club discussed that the next meeting will be on July 10th where members will present their projects to the club before judging. During advisor announcements there were two motions that passed. First, was to help sponsor the local Fish with a Hero event. This helps spend time and support our local veterans. Second, Adopt a Tree, is to help the Greenville City Park replant the trees that were lost after the recent tornado.

After these motions passed there was a guest speaker from Flory Landscaping. He discussed the importance of mower safety and how if not abiding safety rules how easy injuries can occur. Informational flyers and treat donations were given out to all members by Flory’s. A big thank you to Flory’s for such a great presentation! After the meeting was adjourned the Club enjoyed Refreshments given by Callie, Pearl, Jasper, Julia, Colten, and Katelyn. During refreshments the clover buds finished their project for the year with the advisors.

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