Brethren Retirement Community unveils new bocce courts


By Drew Terhall

GREENVILLE — An idea from residents at Brethren Retirement Community came to fruition on July 30. Residents, representatives from Greenville National Bank and members at the community had their kick-off event for their new bocce courts.

President and CEO at the Brethren Retirement Community John Warner said a group of residents came up with the idea and got the ball rolling on it.

“We had a bocce committee formed and it was mainly made up of residents. They researched the project. They sought out how to play bocce. They did a great job of finding a location on the campus. From there we started the fundraising, the planning, arranging contractors and partners. It came together very nicely,” Warner said.

The community received help from people around Greenville and received help from GNB. They were instrumental in getting the project funded and ready to start.

“GNB banking centers was very generous in providing a lead gift to make this come about. Ryan Gathard, our director of development, also sought donations from residents and others in the community which was very helpful as we put the resources together for this,” Warner said.

Gamechanger Athletics put in the bocce courts while Flory Landscaping did the landscaping work. Warner said the residents helped out with picking the furniture and the maintenance crew at Brethren did a lot of work in getting everything together.

The courts were built across from the Chestnut Village Center.

Warner said the courts will be a great addition to the campus. The bocce committee is already at work teaching other residents how to play. It’s a new addition that will boost the community engagement at Brethren.

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