Inaugural Celebration of Achievement to be held


GREENVILLE — The Darke County Junior and Senior Fair invites all to the new Celebration of Achievement. The junior fair livestock sale process has changed for the 2024 Darke County Fair. This year’s sale process will include a Celebration of Achievement and online sale process.

On Wednesday, Aug. 21, the Celebration of Achievement will start at 5 p.m. with light refreshments followed by a live auction of the grand and reserve champions starting at 5:30 p.m. in the cattle arena. Junior fair buyers/supporters, potential supporters, junior fair livestock exhibitors and their families are encouraged to attend the Celebration of Achievement.

The Celebration of Achievement will consist of recognition of the outstanding exhibitors of livestock species, livestock department scholarship recipients, showman of showmen barn representatives, dairy and general livestock judging winners, Overholser Scholarship recipients and shop, crop and horticulture outstanding exhibitors.

In addition to the recognition the following champions and reserve champions will be sold at the Celebration of Achievement which include: Grand Champion Beef Market Animal, Reserve Champion Beef Market Animal, Grand Champion Market Hog, Reserve Champion Market Hog, Grand Champion Boer Wether, Reserve Champion Boer Wether, Grand Champion Dairy Goat Wether, Reserve Champion Dairy Goat Wether, Grand Champion Market Lamb, Reserve Champion Market Lamb, Grand Champion Dairy Steer, Reserve Champion Dairy Steer, Supreme Champion Dairy Cow, Champion Meat Poultry Entry, Reserve Champion Meat Poultry Entry, Grand Champion Rabbit Meat Pen, Reserve Champion Rabbit Meat Pen, Grand Champion Single Rabbit and Reserve Champion Single Rabbit.

Following the Celebration of Achievement an online auction will be available at: Bidding will begin on Thursday, Aug. 22 at 8 a.m. and will close at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 29. Junior fair livestock that is eligible to sell will be sold online this year. Each junior fair exhibitor is only allowed to sell one livestock species at the county fair. The only exception would be if you would have more than one champion.

The livestock auction will continue to use the premium method for livestock bidding. This means, what you bid is what a business/organization pays, the livestock buyers are contributing towards a premium and not purchasing the actual project. Multiple buyers can contribute towards an exhibitor’s overall premium.

All individuals, businesses and organizations that plan to support the Celebration of Achievement and online sale process need to register please at It will require their name, address, email, and a credit card entered to prevent fraudulent bids. If you have questions please feel free to email [email protected]. They look forward to your support and attendance at the inaugural Celebration of Achievement followed by the online junior fair sale process.

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