Vietnam Veteran’s family honored


VERSAILLES — Fort GreeneVille Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, a Vietnam Commemorative Partner, and the Versailles Veteran Honor Guard honored the family of John Wayne Richard at the Versailles Vets Club on July 24. Kathy Richard McPherson, sister of John Wayne Richard proudly accepted the honor.

“On behalf of a grateful Nation and the Department of Defense, we honor your patriotic service and the significant sacrifices made by you and your family for the cause of freedom and democracy during the Vietnam War. Thank you for being an enduring inspiration and example of duty, valor, honor, and dignity for the citizens of the United States of America. Our Nation is forever indebted to you and extends its deepest respect and admiration. Thank you for the sacrifices you made that enabled your loved one to serve,” said DAR Regent Penny Weaver.

Kathy Richard McPherson shared her memories along with her gratitude for such an honor to her family. “It was wonderful. I feel very honored and proud to receive the acknowledgment for John.”

Over fifty friends, family, DAR members, and veterans including the Honor Guard were in attendance. Light refreshments were provided afterwards by the Versailles Vets Club.

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