Fair board ready for 2024 fair


By Ryan Berry


GREENVILLE — The Darke County Agricultural Society’s Board of Directors met on Wednesday to tie up a few loose ends before the fair began on Friday morning. While the upcoming fair was on the minds of each of the directors, there were a few items decided that could have an impact on future fairs.

During the public comment section of the meeting, Jana Deeter blasted the board for eliminating the Free Til Three day during this year’s fair. The special day has been held on Thursdays in past years and included a bicycle giveaway in front of the Grandstand. The board did not schedule the event this year due to the Bachmann-Turner Overdrive (BTO) concert being held on Thursday at the Grandstand. Deeter begged the board to reinstate allowing visitors to enter the fair for free until 3 p.m. on Thursday. She said, “A lot of people are very upset that you have decided that people have to pay on Thursday, even when it’s before 3 p.m.” She added that she doesn’t believe the fair is for the people anymore. She cited that there was no parade, which had also been held on Thursday mornings.

Madison Werner also addressed the board and asked for assistance to host the Run for Cover 2024 Open Speed Show. Funds from the show will be used to cover the horse show arena. Werner asked the board to sponsor the show so it could fall under their insurance. The board gave its approval and will be sponsored by the Agricultural Society and Trails and Tails 4-H Club. The show will be held on Sept. 28 and will be a one-day show. Participants will not be using the stalls. The show will feature Poles, Stakes, Keyhole, Dash for Cash, Flags and Barrels. The cost is $10 per class and $3 per expo. For more information on the show, contact Madison Werner at [email protected] or 937-564-7250.

The Agricultural Society will set up a separate account and all money raised will be put under the account. Werner said she realized that it may take a decade to raise enough money to cover the arena, but they have to start the fundraising process sometime. She said they plan to add additional shows next year to help raise funds.

It was announced during the meeting there was a possibility Rex Weyrick, caretaker, would be leaving during or shortly after the fair. The discussion came about while the board discussed the sale of the older skid loader. Jim Zumbrink said, “If Rex is leaving us, we don’t need it.” The board generally trades in the older skid loader towards mid-September and applies the trade-in toward the new skid loader. The board will put a notice out for bids with the right to reject bids. The board is hoping to sell it for at least $52,000.

Regarding Weyrick, Director Craig Bowman said “Everybody knows Rex is leaving. I’ve got a lot of good comments on what he did this year. The grounds are in great shape. I just hope we find somebody as good as him. I hope he continues and stays through fair.” Director Dean Neff said, “He’ll stay through the fair.” Other board members were not as sure. However, Laura Ahrens, fair manager, said she has help lined up in case he doesn’t. Bowman added, “If we have to start out-sourcing welding and mechanic work it’s probably going to cost more than a couple, three dollar raise.”

To contact Daily Advocate Editor Ryan Berry, email [email protected].

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