Moore tops personal best again in Greenville win over Xenia


XENIA — The Greenville Lady Wave golfers traveled to WGC golf course in Xenia to take on the Lady Buccaneers. The Lady Wave won the match 186-268.

Leading the Wave were Vera Cox with a 42, Callee Moore with a 46, Sofia Chrisman and Taylor Trissel both had a 49. Also playing for the Lady Wave were Kennedy Schoen and Ava Good, both had a 64.

“WGC has fast greens and some of the greens are severally sloped. The girls played well on the course we will play for sectionals,” head coach Tracy Haines said.

Callee Moore had a personal best of 46.

Greenville is now 3-4 overall and 2-2 in conference play.

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