Greenville boys golf wins MVL match over Xenia


GREENVILLE — The Greenville boys golf team won 185-218 over Xenia at home at Turtle Creek Golf Course on August 27.

Junior Drew Beisner led the team with a 42. Sophomore Brody Weaver scored a 44, sophomore Cole Oswalt scored a 48 and sophomore Chilly Jasenski and senior Carson Good each scored a 51.

For Xenia, Luke Guisleman led with a 46. Nathan Norris scored a 55, Gavin Climie scored a 58 and Jackson Stacy scored a 59. Koen Wallce had a 66 and Kendrix Davis had a 71.

Greenville will be on the road on August 28 as they will take on Stebbins at Locust Hill Golf Course.

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