Republicans will open headquarters


GREENVILLE — The Darke County Republican Party (DCRP) is pleased to announce the grand opening of its headquarters to serve the 2024 General Election Republican campaigns. The official opening ceremonies will be held at 3 p.m. on Sept. 3 at the Headquarters.

With a generous donation for use of the premises by Bryan Geis, the headquarters is located at 105 West Third St., Greenville.

The public is invited to attend the Grand Opening and hear comments by Congressman Warren Davidson (R-8) and candidate for United States Senate Bernie Moreno.

“The Darke County GOP is happy to provide services to Republican Candidates from the United States Presidency to the local county offices,” said DCRP Executive Committee Chairman Katie DeLand. “The headquarters provides information and services to help inform the public regarding candidates on the ballot in the upcoming November 5 general election.”

Republican candidates, and office sought, who will be served by the headquarters are: Donald J. Trump for United States President, Bernie Moreno for United States Senate, Warren Davidson for United States House of Representatives, Robert Hanseman for Judge of Second District Court of Appeals, Susan Manchester for State Senator (12th District), Jonathan Newman for State Representative (80th District), Angie King for State Representative (84th District), Matthew Aultman for Darke County Commissioner, Aaron Flatter for Darke County Commissioner, James D. Bennett for Darke County Prosecuting Attorney, Cindy Pike for Darke County Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, Mark E. Whittaker for Darke County Sheriff, and Hillary J. Holzapfel for Darke County Recorder.

For more information, contact Chairman DeLand at 937-424-7086 or visit

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