Anna Bier Gallery plans art classes


GREENVILLE — The Anna Bier Gallery is excited to offer visual arts classes for a wide array of ages and skill levels. Their goal is to create a fun and welcoming environment where students are free to express themselves through art making while learning new skills and creative techniques along the way.

Jennifer Overholser, artistic director of visual arts, is pleased to announce the following classes:

2D Creation Station, Sept. 10, ages 8-12, $5

Grid Method Painting with Debby Gregory, Sept. 21, ages 14 to adult, $30

Pain Pouring, Oct. 8, agest 14 to adult, $30

Plein Air Painting with Angie Siefring, Oct. 12, ages 16 to adult, $55

Mask Decorating, Oct. 28, ages 8-15, $10.

Making art is a great to unwind and learn something new. All classes take place at the Anna Bier Art Gallery, located inside St. Clair Memorial Hall, 215 W. Fourth St., Greenville. Prior registration is required. Register now before the spots are filled.

For more information or to register, contact Overholser at 440-813-0367 or email [email protected].

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