Greenville boys golf wins fourth straight MVL match


SPRINGFIELD — The Greenville boys golf team have won four straight MVL matches with a 158-205 win over Fairborn at Rocky Lakes Golf Course on September 9.

Senior Carson Good led the team with a 38. Sophomore Cole Oswalt and senior Josh Baker both shot a 39 and junior Drew Beisner shot a 42. Freshman Hayden Null and Kaiden Hickey both had a 44.

For Fairborn, junior Carson Majors led with a 43. Freshman Wade Ehresman had a 47, senior Addison Hart had a 57 and junior Hayden Borders had a 58. Freshman Caden Bair had a 61 and freshman Henry Dunn had a 69.

Greenville will host Piqua on September 10 at 4 p.m. at Turtle Creek Golf Course.

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