Chapter hosts Weather Wise program


VERSAILLES — The Versailles FFA hosted a Weather Wise program on Sept. 24 at Versailles Schools with over 100 guests in attendance. The program started with a free catered delicious dinner by Mary Bergman and visited display booths from Darke County EMA hosted by Ken Johnson and OSU Extension Caden Buscher.

The program included guest speakers Dr. Aaron Wilson, Johnson, and Kyle Francis who informed guests about severe weather types and tips to prepare for these conditions. Dr. Aaron Wilson is an Ag Weather and Climate Field Specialist. Johnson from Darke County EMA presented an Are You Ready- A Guide to Citizen Preparedness. Francis, Village Administrator, presented Safety Protocol Related to the Village of Versailles with an emphasis on tornadoes. A weather safety kit was given to each family in attendance at the event.

Thank you to Darke County Foundation – Melvin and Mary Ann Stucke – In memory of Steven Stucke for sponsoring the Weather Wise and thank you to those who attended and presented.

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