It’s just a walk in the park


By Deb Shiverdecker

Darke County Parks

I was out walking yesterday, taking some pictures of the beautiful fall colors starting in the Park. It is absolutely beautiful, and if you haven’t, you should come out to one of the park areas and enjoy it before it’s gone!

As I walked, I considered all the reasons people use the Park District and all the good things that the Park District provides. Besides sharing the awesomeness of Nature with the community, there are so many activities that go on here at Shawnee Prairie or in our other park areas. For example, I walked through the Nature Center last evening, and a speaker was talking about the joys of birding in Ethiopia with the Darke County Birders Club! Wow. What an insight that I will probably never get to enjoy in person but can enjoy through another’s eyes. Besides the activities the Park District offers, there are so many things that you can do on your own as well. We are always happy to help in any way we can.

We have several focus groups that meet here on a pretty regular basis. If you want to get out and socialize, consider joining one of our passionate groups! Friends of the Darke County Parks, Friends of Bear’s Mill, Darke County Birders Club, the Skein Gang (craft club), Down to Earth Book Club, Old Thyme Gardeners, Darke County Photo Club, and Darke County Hiking Club. Volunteer! You can become a receptionist, a ticket taker, a pioneer, a teacher’s aide, a greeter, an animal care expert, or a cook. You can help the maintenance crew, organize program supplies, clean windows, fold newsletters, attach labels, and help in the gift shop.

We offer many programs, not only for children but for adults as well. Learn something new! Learn about monarchs, jumping spiders, trees, stream quality monitoring, fungi, maple sugaring, birds, snakes, rocks, and snowflakes. Get Real or Learn the Science of Gross as a summer camp. Learn relaxation techniques and yoga. Learn about herbs, pottery, natural egg dyeing, weather, gourd art, and painting. Take a hike! Take a canoe or kayak adventure or ride a bike on the Tecumseh Bike Trail.

Some of the events that we hosted for the community this year were The Total Eclipse Party, Bash at Bish, The Gathering at Garst and Historical Encampment, Open Houses for the seasons at Bear’s Mill, Raptor Run, Tour De Darke, Native Plant Sale, and Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland. We are looking forward to 2026 and hosting events for America’s 250th Birthday of our country. We love our events!

Anyway, now that I think about it, where are you? Why haven’t I seen you here every other day? How can you stand to miss the excitement? Join our Park District “family”. We are good for your mental and physical health! We are good for strengthening your family. If you have skills or stories to share, you can also make us better. You can contact us at (937)548-0165 or [email protected]. We have a great newsletter as well that you can get in the mail or digitally. It is quarterly, so call, sign up online, or during your next visit. As our previous director, Roger Van Frank, used to say, “The benefits of parks and recreation are endless!”. See you in the parks!

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