Whittaker appointed Darke County Sheriff


Staff report

GREENVILLE — The Darke County Republican Central Committee met recently to appoint a person to fill the unexpired term of retiring Darke County Sheriff Toby Spencer.

The Darke County Commissioners appointed Chief Deputy Whittaker to act as interim sheriff and temporarily fill the vacated position until an official appointment could be made.

By Ohio statute, the party leadership is responsible for choosing a person to fill any unexpired term of an office vacated by a member of its party. The Darke County Republican Central Committee is the entity responsible for filling the vacated position previously held by Sheriff Toby Spencer, a Republican.

Also, by Ohio statute, a candidate for the office of sheriff must meet “certain qualifications.” The committee received two applications from qualified Darke Countians. At the meeting called to fill the vacancy, the committee unanimously chose Mark Whittaker to complete the term to which Sheriff Spencer had previously been elected. In addition to meeting the qualifications for sheriff, he has a vision for expanding on the works of Sheriff Spencer.

“It is a privilege and an honor to be selected by the Republican Central Committee to serve the citizens of Darke County as their sheriff. I look forward to leading the men and women of the Darke County Sheriff’s Office in providing professional service with integrity to our county. I would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support I have received and especially to retired Sheriff Spencer for his mentoring of me over the last 12 years as his chief deputy. I feel his strong leadership has prepared me for the future.” said Whittaker.

Whittaker has been a resident of Darke County for most of his life. He has served as a Darke County Deputy for a total of 26 years, including his 12 years as chief deputy. He and his wife, Stacy Armstrong Whittaker, have been married for 24 years. They reside in Darke County and have two adult sons.

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