2023 Fair Court aims to make things “Fair For All”


By Meladi Brewer


DARKE COUNTY — The 2023 Darke County Fair Queen, Elizabeth Brewer, and King, Andrew Wuebker, seek to make things “Fair For All” with their Fair For All Campaign.

The campaign was started by the idea of progress. During her reign, Brewer, who utilizes a wheelchair for mobility, noticed the Great Darke County Fair had a downside. It was not very handicapped accessible.

“This means that individuals with disabilities could not enjoy the festivities,” Brewer said. “A lot of the paths to the animal barns where most of the showings and projects being presented at the fair are not friendly to those with disabilities making it difficult for family and friends to watch their loved ones present.”

Brewer spoke of her experiences from last fair stating there were times Wuebker had to pick her up, carry her into a barn, and place her back into her wheelchair because she would not have been able to access the area otherwise.

Having experienced this problem firsthand, Brewer set out to make the fair more inclusive. The 2023 Court decided to make a change with the help of the Fairboard and the Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

“We spoke with individuals that live with physical and intellectual disabilities to find the best ways to serve the community,” Brewer said.

Due to hard work, we have made many changes for the 2024 fair year,” Brewer said. “The gravel pathway near the rabbit, goat, and sheep barns has been paved. In addition, the old Red Cross building near the Grand stand has been converted into a sensory room and universal changing table with an accessible restroom.”

These changes were made possible by a $150,000 grant from the State of Ohio. Another event the fair will be holding to make the fair more accommodating, a Sensory Friendly Afternoon will be held Monday, Aug. 19th from 11 a.m. until noon.

For that hour, there will be no music and no flashing lights to allow those who need a sensory friendly area to have a chance to enjoy select rides. A sensory friendly room will also be available to guests. Take a break in a calm, quiet room located in the former red cross building. The room will be open daily.

The Darke County Fair will run from Aug. 16th through Aug. 24th.

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