Local Briefs

Greenville BoE meeting

GREENVILLE — The Greenville City Schools Board of Education will meet in regular session on Thursday, Aug. 15, 6:30 p.m., the Anna Bier Room, St. Clair Memorial Hall, Greenville. The purpose of the meeting is to present any business that may come before the Board.

DCP commission meets

GREENVILLE — The Darke County Park District Board of Commissioners will meet in regular session on Thursday, Aug. 15, 4 p.m., at Shawnee Prairie Preserve Nature Education Center, 4267 St. Rt. 502 W., Greenville. To be added to the agenda to speak or to make comments please e-mail [email protected] before Aug. 14, at noon.

Mensa testing

KETTERING — Dayton Area Mensa, the local chapter of the international high IQ society Mensa (www.mensa.org and www.us.mensa.org) will offer the society’s membership qualification test Wednesday, Aug. 28 and again Wednesdays, Sept. 25 and Oct. 30, starting at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Dorothy Lane American Baptist Church, 960 W. Dorothy Lane, Kettering. It’s across from the Community Golf Course. The test takes about two hours. Test takers should arrive and sign in 15-20 minutes before starting time. Late arrivals cannot be accommodated once testing has started. Those who score in the top two per cent of the general population on either of two tests of logic and reasoning will be invited to join Mensa. A maximum of nine test takers can be accommodated and pre-registrants will have priority. You will need a picture ID. To pre-register, e-mail [email protected] or call 937-878-2378 and leave message.

Railroad Heritage Festival

BRADFORD — The Bradford Railroad Museum will host its Railroad Heritage Festival on Sept. 14, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 200 N. Miami Ave., Bradford. Activities include Thomas and Caboose rides, railroad vendors, Operation Life Savers, Ham Radio Demonstrations, military exhibits, railroad operation demonstrations and Hoop it up demonstration (pass messages to a moving train). Sponsors are Covington Savings & Loan, Dick Lavy Trucking and GNB Banking Centers. Tehre will also be a raffle for bikes and models.