Failed inspection leads to contract decrease


By Meladi Brewer

GREENVILLE — A second final inspection lead to a contract total decrease for H & H Environmental. Commissioners Matt Aultman, Marshall Combs, and Larry Holmes were present.

“This is basically a situation where H&H Environmental did asbestos removal through the demolition program, and there was a final inspection that did not pass,” said Susan Laux with Community Development.

Due to the failure to pass, the company that does the inspection had to go out again to reassess the building again.

“It cost us $247, and the way the contract documents were written says that if there were any subsequent inspections, the contractor had to stand that cost,” Laux said.

She advised the contractor was given two options: pay the $245 or do a change order, and he chose to complete a change order. Due to it being taken out of the contracted price in the form of a change order, the cost will be taken out of the grant fund. The original contract amount was $108,395 plus $3,200 for previous changes. With the $345 deduction, the new adjusted contract amount is $111,350.

Laux also advised the commissioners that she is looking for two more houses to add to the Lead Safe Ohio grants. They currently have two going through the process of getting qualified, but they are looking to add two more.

“We schedule about $50,000 a piece to replace exterior asbestos hazards,” Laux said. “Anything with wood paint that is peeling that could be pre 1978 construction.”

Keeping up with the Lead Safe Ohio Grant Funds, the commissioners approved the awarding of a New Madison house that meets the qualifications. The funds may be utilized to remove presumed lead-based paint exterior building components. The house is eligible to receive benefit of exterior repairs through this program in the amount not to exceed a maximum of $50,000.

The house in New Madison will receive the replacement of the roof, doors, and windows for a total of $43,995. The $43,995 will be paid to Deitemeyer Brothers dba Roofing Innovations, LLC upon completion of the project.

The commissioners meet every Tuesday and Thursday for their public Regular Sessions starting at 1:30 p.m. in the Administration Office: 520 S. Broadway. All are welcome to attend.

To contact Daily Advocate Reporter Meladi Brewer, email [email protected].

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