Senate passes Infrastructure bill with Brown provisions


WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Tuesday announced that the Senate passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, with several key provisions he secured for Ohio communities. As the chairman of a key committee on infrastructure legislation, Brown fought for Ohio and delivered, with big investments now on the way to the state for good-paying jobs to build and upgrade critical infrastructure like bridges, broadband, waterways, and public transit—all without raising taxes on working families.

“I hear from mayors and community leaders across Ohio about the infrastructure projects they need to create jobs and economic growth all over our state. Today, we’re showing that we can work together to provide real investments to upgrade outdated bridges, roads, transit, and water and sewer systems, to build new broadband networks, and more. We’re delivering historic wins for Ohio that will create good-paying American jobs that cannot be shipped overseas, and that will help Ohio communities of all sizes, all over the state, thrive and grow,” said Brown.

Specifically, the bill includes:

-Brown’s Bridge Investment Act, which will provide $12.5 billion in funding to repair and replace nationally and regionally significant bridges, like the Brent Spence Bridge in Ohio — part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’s historic investment. The package also provides Ohio $9.8 billion of formula funding to repair, replace, and upgrade roads and bridges throughout the state.

-Brown’s Build America Buy America Act will apply strong Buy America rules to all taxpayer-funded infrastructure and public works projects.

-$89.9 billion in funding to provide a record investment in public transit, including $1.286 billion for Ohio transit agencies.

-$65 billion in funding to help communities improve access to high-speed broadband.

-$55.4 billion in funding to help communities improve local water and sewer systems.

-$7.5 billion to support and bolster electric vehicle (EV) and alternative charging infrastructure, which will create good-paying jobs.